a content consultancy


We’re here to give you original ideas for online content. If you think you know what your site needs, but what you think it needs happens to be exactly the same thing all your competitors have, we can help.

Some examples? Community Weblogs. Accessible and multilingual Web sites. Photography and illustration. Punchy, Internet-specific writing with a bit of attitude.

We can write and program your content for you, or train your existing staff. We can work with your technical staff to integrate the new content into your back end.

We’re new unto the world here, so for examples of what we believe in and what we can do, read the NUblog, a Weblog on online content. Take a tour through the archives (and, with over 100 articles, you’re gonna be there a while).

If your site is looking for something novel – or a novel application of an existing online format – talk to us.

Accessibility and language

Another useful service we provide: Fixing accessibility and language problems on client sites.

  1. There’s an increasing understanding that a Web site that works for any visitor, regardless of disability or equipment used, makes good business sense. And just as in the physical world – where a ramp or a level entrance makes a building accessible for wheelchair users, but also helps a parent pushing a stroller – online accessibility does more than make a Web site work for, say, a blind person using a screen reader. An accessible site also functions under slow connection speeds, older computers, and early browsers.
  2. Moreover, government accessibility requirements in the U.S. and many Western nations will eventually apply to the private sector. (In Australia, where disability legislation isn’t much different from American laws, such a ruling has already been given: The Sydney Olympics were fined for producing an inaccessible site.)
  3. We go back 20 years in accessibility (and have been online nearly ten years), and can spot accessibility problems at a glance. We can audit your site and write the new code for you. We can also write training manuals to empower your own designers and programmers to create accessible designs from the first instance.
  4. Similarly, the Web doesn’t work only in English. Yet many firms don’t know how to produce multiple parallel sites in different languages, or how to integrate more than one language into an existing site. It’s conceptually easy and the coding required is not onerous, but the issues are not at all obvious. The good news? We can fix it for you. We can train your staff on multilingual site design, how to work with translators, and how to manipulate computer code written in a human language they don’t even understand.
  5. Just as with disabled accessibility, we can make your site seem as natural and welcoming to a person who doesn’t speak English as to a person who does.

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