a content consultancy

Updated 2001.01.20

Content resources

We plan to open-source a lot of our knowledge, algorithms, and advice. (Of course, we always know more than we let on!) In the interim, we have a few resources to share on content management, usability, and related factors.

Content management principal Joe Clark administers the original mailing list on content management, entitled, logically enough, Content-Management.

Rival list: The Content-Management mailing list is very low-traffic, and most messages are of the form “Help! I’m drowning and I don’t know what to do!” Meanwhile, Cameron Barrett runs a list on the specific topic of content-management systems, with greater traffic. Details here.


Usability topics – what we like to call “guerrilla usability analyses” – have been moved to their own file.


We wrote a Reader’s Guide to Sydney Olympics Accessibility Complaint, where the Sydney Olympics were fined for producing a site whose content was inaccessible to a blind person. Don’t let this happen to you – we specialize in accessibility audits and can solve nearly every accessibility (and language) problem your site may have.

Have a look at principal Joe Clark’s many accessibility resources, including a separate Weblog on online accessibility, the Web AccessiBlog.

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