

Our slogan – "Taste | Acumen | Content" – sums up why you should hire us. When it comes to content, we have opinions and good judgement on what works and we know how to produce it, at both the artistic and technical levels.

Good content requires good taste, and high standards, and an expectation that your audience is smarter and more sophisticated than 20-year-old American boys hoovering songs from each other via Napster.

(We call 'em as we see 'em. Too many Web sites seem like they're aimed at frat boys. Or other Web programmers.)

But we're not talking snootiness here. We're not talking about Masterpiece Theatreizing the Web. contenunians enjoy and work in a panoply of styles, and we have a range of tastes.

(At least we have taste. That's what you're hiring us for.)

If you engage us, you know up front that we might tell you that plan X is a bad idea not because it's technically impossible or will break people's browsers or will exclude a certain group – though we'll tell you that, too, if applicable – but because plan X is in bad taste, or aims too low, or is just like what everyone else has always done online.

If you hire us, sometimes we'll take your orders and sometimes you'll take ours. Because we don't believe the meek shall inherit the earth, and if ordering employees and consultants around produced good content, we'd actually see more of it online.

We want clients whose standards are as high as our own.

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