What have we been up to, you ask? Oh, a little song, a little dance. But not quite enough seltzer down the pants, if you get our meaning.
En tout cas (is that our favourite French phrase of all?), here are some semi-interesting content-related links of note:
“Latino Portals a Narrow Space”: Well, no kidding. You’re dealing with second-world countries (read: poverty, low computer use, expensive online time) or immigrants who, if they stick with the Spanish language, may not earn a lot of money or, if they assimilate into the AngloBorg, have little reason to frequent a Spanish-language site. And isn’t Brazil barely a Latin American country, being gigantic, heterogeneous (a million Japanese!), and Portuguese-speaking?
U.S. Latinos read mainstream sites such as Yahoo and America Online over Latino portals such as Quepasa.com, StarMedia and Yupi.com.... [T]hey just don’t know about the Spanish-speaking resources available to them on the Internet. [... A]n analyst at the Yankee Group who tracks the Brazilian Internet market [says] it’s all about your ties to traditional media.... Brazilians preferred regional and local content rather than general Latin American news.... “Having the Latin American strategy for Brazil that one size fits all doesn’t work.”
Posted on 2001-01-08